by Jasper Numerology | Jan 22, 2025 | blog
Life is a game created by God in which God forgets it is God and discovers, through infinite adventures and misadventures that it is God. God is absolutely nothing and everything, forever NOW. Life is God playing hide and seek with Itself, where God is the entire...
by Jasper Numerology | Jan 20, 2025 | blog
I saw a YouTube video by a gamer where he talked through his character with an NPC. The guy said that it was just an NPC and couldn’t go anywhere that was off limits to its program. It replied that it was human and could go wherever it wanted. As the NPC was...
by Jasper Numerology | Jan 20, 2025 | blog
Life is free but unless you give it value, it exacts a great price. You become a product of life rather than the beholder and benefactor of it. To behold is to hold the space for something; to appreciate, love, nurture and respect it. In turn it reciprocates these...
by Jasper Numerology | Sep 11, 2024 | blog
In Hinduism, Brahman (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मन्) connotes the highest universal principle, the Ultimate Reality of the universe. In major schools of Hindu philosophy, it is the non-physical, efficient, formal and final cause of all that exists. It is the pervasive, infinite,...
by Jasper Numerology | Jul 5, 2024 | blog
In numerology 8 is connected with Saturn, the ruler of time. 8 is a symbol of hierarchy: the top loop represents the conscious mind and the lower loop, the subconscious mind. The illusion of time arises when we ‘live in our heads’, instead of being centred...