8 to ထ / Time to Unfinity

8 to ထ / Time to Unfinity

In numerology 8 is connected with Saturn, the ruler of time. 8 is a symbol of hierarchy. When conscious rational mind dominates subconscious intuitive mind we are bound to the illusion of time. When 8 transforms into ထ, conscious and subconscious mind work together...
2025 the Great Transformation

2025 the Great Transformation

2025’s 9 energy (2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9) brings completion, resolution and growing compassion for humanity, regardless of colour, race or belief system.   This awakening will be resisted by those who still cling to the old number 1 dominated style of top down...
The Real Meaning of the Sword in the Stone

The Real Meaning of the Sword in the Stone

Pulling the Sword from the Stone is a metaphor for Self Mastery. In esoteric thought swords are associated with the element Air (Intellect / masculine) and stones with the element Earth (body / feminine). The Sword of the cerebrospinal nervous system penetrates the...
The Meaning of 11:11

The Meaning of 11:11

  11 is a very powerful symbol for the alignment within us of our animal and spiritual intelligence. Each 1 in the 11 represents these two poles of human experience. Those of us working with number 11 just feel different to other people. There is often a...