Life is free but unless you give it value, it exacts a great price.  You become a product of life rather than the beholder and benefactor of it. To behold is to hold the space for something; to appreciate, love, nurture and respect it. In turn it reciprocates these blessings to you.

Life is a game. It’s purpose is to reveal who you really are. If you don’t know this, you’re a non player character, an NPC lost in your own Groundhog Day. Same shit different day. To reveal who you really are, you have to withdraw attention from the bright shiny hypnotic lights of the world and feel the formless, warm aliveness within you. You relearn to see, listen, touch, taste and smell from deep impersonal embodiment.

You witness life from the formless centre, just as you did as a baby, but now experience has equipped you to navigate the bright shiny hypnotic lights of the world when you need to. Your life is blessed by the unconditional appreciation of impersonal awareness and whatever happens in the overall unfoldment of things, you are escorted as if by angels, higher and higher, deeper and deeper into an ever greater unfoldment of your avatar self.

Identification with your avatar is the cause of all suffering. Allowing your avatar to blossom and bloom naturally is the cause of all blessing.