Life is a game created by God in which God forgets it is God and discovers, through infinite adventures and misadventures that it is God. God is absolutely nothing and everything, forever NOW.
Life is God playing hide and seek with Itself, where God is the entire experience, but has the capacity to experience multiple viewpoints simultaneously, all with their own unique perspectives.
Everything that has been, is now and can ever be, has already occurred in God. It happened as a thought in the absolute mind of God in an instant and then disappeared forever. What we experience is its echo, reverberating like ripples out from the centre into the illusion of a separate world. We are the centre.
Experience is facilitated by the interplay of two opposing forces, Yang and Yin, growth and entropy, order and disorder. These eternal forces play out cyclical dramas based on the fixed archetypal themes present within the original God thought.
Just as we experience the seasons of the year, there are longer cosmic seasons flowing from spring to winter, birth to death, over and over again. Time as we understand it is cyclical not linear.
We are currently at the end of a winter season, known to the ancient Greeks as the Iron age and the Indians as Kali Yuga. During this season wisdom is inverted and ignorance is the norm. Identification with the illusion is solidified and can only be broken by a great reset. From an illusory perspective this is seen as something fearful and bad.
In Kali Yuga people’s perspective is almost completely false. The shared idea of separate bodies in a separate world of separate objects is a symptom of collective neurosis. The great reset from winter to spring, death to birth requires an exorcism of the ghosts of the past. These ghosts are long obsolete thought forms which are perpetuated with zombie like momentum in the thoughts, feelings and behaviour of most of humanity. Wars, natural disasters and strange phenomena are the symbols of the great reset from death to birth. Death must die in order for life to be born.