I saw a YouTube video by a gamer where he talked through his character with an NPC. The guy said that it was just an NPC and couldn’t go anywhere that was off limits to its program. It replied that it was human and could go wherever it wanted. As the NPC was obviously a character in a certain part of the game, the guy told it to go somewhere it couldn’t. The NPC walked towards that place and when it reached its boundary, turned around and reverted to program.
This story describes the difference between real awakening and truther awakening. Real awakening is the complete seeing through of all boundaries and limitation. These are seen as concepts which are dependent upon the concept of ‘me’ as a separate entity in a world full of separate objects. The avatar body remains aware of its environment and doesn’t try to walk through walls, but those walls are not personally identified with by the seer. Everything is as it is without label or preference. If action needs to be taken the avatar does it automatically. This includes defending itself if necessary. The seer is only concerned with holding the space for immediate impersonal experience. As space is held action arises spontaneously and effortlessly.
Truther awakening is confined to the pre-programmed idea of ‘how things are’. Everything must conform to the concept of life as a series of separate objects moving through time in external space. The truther remains confined to the ‘prison planet’ of his own limited understanding. The realization that his previous belief or trust in government was misguided stops there. NPC like he remains trapped in the external belief model and if it is suggested that he stop investigating and simply experience life as it is right now, he cannot. Pre-programming kicks in and he defaults back into personal action reaction.
Everyone is an NPC until they’re not. Life is a game of awakening to the truth that we are not born and therefore can’t die. Only avatar bodies are born and die. Enjoy the game, but don’t hold on.
Be Open.
Be Formless.
See that you are utterly naked,; that ‘your body’ is experience which arises out of the subjective unknowable mystery that you truly are right NOW.